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Listings with High Days On Market
When reviewing a real estate listing, it’s important for buyers to pay close attention to the days on market (DOM), which is the length...

Make Realistic Compromises When You Can
Home buyers most often begin their house hunting with a long list of must-have features. They typically hope to find their new home in...

Is your furniture a dangerous jungle gym?
Turning your back for just a moment gives a child just enough time to reupholster your couch with peanut butter or redecorate your wall...

How To Fit More Reading Into Your Day
Here are some tips to help smooth the way toward working more page-turners into your daily routine. Reduce friction. Eliminate excuses by...

5 Business Books That Motivate
If you’re finding yourself in a end-year slump, these top-rated reads are sure to keep you motivated all the way through the end of the...

5 Home Design Trends to Be Thankful for This Year
his Thanksgiving, we offer thanks for family and friends—and also good home design. After all, the right style and an organized...

Organize Your Family Schedule
Spring schedules are often filled to the brim with extra travel, sports, recitals, and school activities. Evaluate your household’s needs...
Tips For A Feel-Good Home
When pursuing a healthy lifestyle, your physical environment can greatly impact your motivation. Try making simple changes to create...

4 Habits Of Successful People
While there’s no magic formula for success, research shows that highly successful people tend to cultivate similar habits. Here are a few...

The ROI of home improvements
All home improvements are not created equal. The ever-important factor to consider is the “ROI,” return on investment. Here are three...

Be Aware Of These Home-Buying Fees
In addition to a down payment, here are some other expenses home buyers need to be aware of. According to, “Just...

7 Tasks to do after moving into your new home
The safety and security of your family, guests and pets are the most important reasons to complete these tasks as soon as possible after...

Tool Safety For DIYers
Tackling DIY projects can be satisfying, just make sure you don’t end up in the hospital. analyzed data from ER visits and...

Should You Upgrade To USB Electrical Outlets?
Not Your Parent’s Electrical Outlet The last time your home’s electrical outlets had a significant redesign was 50 years ago, when, for...

Each year, the holiday season seems to arrive quicker and quicker. Now that we’re officially in October, it’s time to start thinking...

Financially Preparing For A Baby
Considering growing your family can be an exciting time. Planning ahead for the financial responsibilities of parenthood will help you...

Resist These Retail Traps
As the buying season approached- it might be good to know how to resist these retail traps! When it comes to profoundly understanding...

What Comes With The House?
Imagine walking into your new home to find all the light fixtures, doorknobs and cabinetry hardware missing. Though uncommon, some buyers...

Preparing Your Home For Resale
Does your house have a room that could deter buyers because it desperately needs improvement? If so, this space, also known as the...

5 DIY tips for building a deck
An outdoor deck on your home provides valuable living and entertaining space. If you’re planning to extend your current deck or to build...
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