Your personal finances, the lender’s requirements and how long you plan to stay in a home all factor in to choosing a mortgage. Compare the four primary types to find the right loan for you.
Fixed-rate mortgages: The most common type, these loans offer a consistent interest rate over the life of the loan. While the stability is helpful, you’ll have to refinance and pay closing costs again if you want a lower rate in the future.
Adjustable-rate mortgages: These mortgages offer lower rates initially, but after a specific amount of time, your rate resets – meaning your payments could rise or fall for the duration of the loan.
Government-insured loans: For those who qualify, these loans often have more lenient credit requirements and lower down payments than conventional loans.
Jumbo mortgages: More common in higher cost areas, these mortgages exceed the federal loan limit and require buyers to have excellent credit scores, significant assets and substantial cash for a large down payment.
Rachel Sheller,Principal Broker, Realtor, CRS, ABR, GRI, SRES,MASTERS CIRCLE, Earth Advantage Broker, Diversity Specialist-HOWNW, CSA-Certified Staging Agent, Oregon First, Washington First
Direct 503.380.9634, Email- rachel@rachelsheller.com
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