4 Tips to Cut Utility Costs
Utilities are some of the expenses you just can’t avoid. They’re necessary, but they don’t have to break the bank. Here are four ways to save on your energy and water bills.
1. Wash your clothes on cold. According to a leading washer and dryer manufacturer LG Electronics, 90 percent of energy used during a wash cycle comes from heating the water.
2. Unplug electronics you aren’t using. Most electronic devices constantly pull a small amount of electricity, which can add up. Unplug your desktop and laptop computers, coffeemaker, cordless phones, and other electronic gadgets when they aren’t in use.
3. Maintain your appliances. Vacuum condenser coils on your refrigerator quarterly. Remove debris from inside and around your air conditioning unit annually. Change your air filters every three months, or more often in a home with shedding pets.
4. Shut the faucet off. Limit how long you’re running water out of your faucets. Turning the water off while you brush your teeth can save up to 200 gallons of water a month, according to the EPA’s WaterSense program. Water your lawn and garden in the cool of the evening when the excess water is less susceptible to evaporation, using less water to keep your grass green and healthy.
Five Star award recipient 2011-2017 honoring the top 7% of real estate professionals in Oregon.
Rachel Sheller, Principal Broker, Realtor, CRS, ABR, GRI, SRES, MASTERS CIRCLE, Diversity Specialist, HOWNW, CSA-Certified Staging Agent, Oregon First, Realtors
Direct 503.380.9634, Email-homesforyou@frontier.com
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