We have all heard it before…”You should buy a house.” It seems a little daunting to make that big of a purchase but its easier than you think. In most cases people who are renting are really paying a mortgage payment, but for their landlord. You are going to have to pay rent somewhere, right? So why not make it count towards YOUR financial future. When you would like to talk about buying a home, get a hold of me and let’s get together to go over my ‘Buyer 101.’ We go over the costs, steps, time it takes to buy a house. Once you have some facts, it wont seem as scary. Don’t worry. I’ll help you. I’ve helped many, many people buy homes. I can help you too. Below are my 12 reason why its a good idea to buy a house:
In almost all cases, owning is actually less expensive than renting. Trulia actually estimated it’s 36% cheaper!
You get an annual tax break on your taxes every year for owning a home and paying down your mortgage.
You boost your credit score by buying a home and making payments on time.
You pay down your mortgage every single month a little bit….building equity. Why pay contribute to your landlords mortgage payments when you could be paying off your own.
Home values continue to increase every year. Yours is expected to rise along with all the rest. Adding nicely to your net equity. Therefore, purchasing real estate is one of the safest long term investments a person can make.
You have the opportunity to remodel and update your home making it more valuable and building even more equity.
You can paint the walls, landscape, or add on however you want. You have control.
You have pride of ownership! This is YOUR home! Not your landlords.
You have the security of the fixed monthly payment. You can count on your payments not rising on you.
You have stability and don’t have to worry about your house being sold out from under you.
Interest rates are really low! It’s a great time to get into the market and get your foot in the door. A low interest rate allows you to have more purchasing power.
You have the freedom to use the equity in your home however you see fit. By building equity you have more financial options available to you. You can borrow on the equity of your home to buy a rental, build, or buy another, home improvements, paying for school for yourself or kids (if you have any), or starting your own business. Check with your lender as these vary from one to the next.
There you have it…There are more great reasons to buy but there are my top 12. Call, email, or text me anytime if you want to talk about buying. you can look at an accurate and up to date inventory of all available homes in the Portland-Metro and surrounding areas on my website.
Five Star award recipient 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 honoring the top 7% of real estate professionals in Oregon.
Rachel Sheller-Principal Broker, Realtor, CRS, ABR, GRI, SRES
Diversity Specialist, HOWNW, CSA-Certified Staging Agent
Oregon First, Realtors Direct 503.380.9634
Email- homesforyou@frontier.com
Licensed in Oregon